Saturday, December 26, 2009

Swamp Coolers And Infections Final Notes (2009) for Galileo Galilei

2009 was an exciting year for me, in all places where I taught. And Galileo Galilei (institute with which I have great affection for the opportunities extended to me from the beginning) is no exception. Using

today a review of the activities that have touched me develop the secondary school in roughly performs the following tasks:

  • I taught a group of first year, a group of second year (both CB) and first year of Bachelor in Computer optional area. These groups enjoyed excellent experiences, and groups that I have recorded Chiquilines very nice memories.
  • Mand undertook the optimization College Web site , optimizing some areas, such as improvement in student participation on the site, the possibility that teachers could upload their materials for students to have access from their accounts, the first stage of the virtual library, a space for expression for students, developing the schedule and more.
  • worked together with G. Goicoechea (we were classmates in high school, and now colleagues, he as a history teacher) to develop the first stage video library of the institute, taking new approaches to some subjects.
  • I was responsible for improvement in laboratory mation technology, and that since the beginning of the year improving their skills.
  • participated in the program of education and dissemination of Opera Campus Crew, winning the silver certificate for outstanding participation in this program.
  • I took over the design of various printed material internal use and dissemination of the institution.

is a very nice place to work, and the main thing in any educational institution is the relationship with students. Relevant experiences have left many throughout the year. I had to work with students who put great effort in learning. I also had to experience some challenges with some of them, who were recompensados with better results than expected. At this point I would stress to colleagues who may read this, that dedication to learning of students spend a lot for the interest shown first teacher. Students who refused to work changed their attitude with just a little interest on my part, and that was encouraging, and I will not stop using techniques well.

I had the opportunity to work with teachers really dedicated to his career highlights, whom I admire a lot in general. Also with excellent ascribed who sometimes left hanging in the presentation of my work (sorry from now), and recently said goodbye to one of them, who had to take other courses, who missed mucho. Also the director, who has supported me in everything developed during the year, and who is not afraid to show new directions in which to improve, expanding my experience. As I told you once, I'm very comfortable here. About

end of the year, say goodbye to students completing their studies, and with mixed emotions as we celebrated in style. I hope they can achieve their future goals.


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goals lie ahead in which to work during 2010.

For now, I have allocated some extra tasks:

  • further improve portal studies, focused now more information for visitexternal before the institute, put the curriculum, interact better with parents, keeping track of tasks assigned to students and more.
  • I have been assigned a partner (very valuable colleague who already know, whose daughter was one of my students, very creative by the way). I help mainly on the issue of the website.
  • have a space work a little more "administrative" through which I have to be more in touch with teachers, seeking information for each month or week in terms of activities for web publishing, printing, suggestions , media support and more to improve the overall work experience, and to support and student supportbefore. This work is half office, half walk through the classrooms and staff rooms (I think it will be fun and I can learn more about the teachers:))

addition, the Institute launched a proposal to further enhance the lab computer through the purchase of updated equipment. For this reason, proposed the creation of a wine at a winery in Montevideo. Wine label (called Galileo Galilei ) was selected by competition among design students, and I'm flattered that the winning team was comprised of students from one of my classes.


also change the location of the facility, for which I offered towork, and that somehow I belong, to be responsible for the laboratory.

No doubt next year will be even more to do, but for now, was this a year of experience, and I'm sure it will be like in 2010.

Greetings to all my colleagues and students from here! Technorati

: , Galileo Galilei Institute, working in Piriapolis : , Galileo Galilei Institute ,

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Southpark Party Decorations The ladder of life - Farewell Galileo Galilei 2009

Yesterday, Friday, December 11, closure was performed basic cycle protocol, the Galileo Galilei Institute , where I work, and with it the last chance to meet students and parents of different colleges to which I concur.

ceremony was very simple and enjoyable. And the most successful was good participation of students, and the evocation of fond memories of the year by teachers and the principal, and again by some students. Presented the work done during the year (only some, of course) and became a student recognition.

I have to admit, I got home last night with confused emotions. I do not usually go to many farewells, but I decided to attend thisoccasion. See the boys and girls, many who passed through my classes, having made good friends with a few, are very special to assess. I'm not ashamed to say that my red eyes right now, because I was a participant in much of their lives, boys. See them learn, ask questions, get into a topic, ask for advice, to rebel, to question, trip, return to learn many things well, we did it together, and often saw them in the midst of these situations. I'm beginning to miss them!

Many have left us an example from a desire to learn and impressive. Others have shown us their noble qualities: friendship, loyalty, companionship, affection. Others have also taught us that no task s impossible, and if you like, you can. Each of you will know which of these descriptions come.

Now we see the same, but outside of classrooms. Just has a nice part, because as it happened in earlier times, see them in the streets, how to keep growing and making their lives better, I am very pleased. I greet with great joy when I see them there, because of it, because I felt proud to be a teacher to you, or you let me be with you every week.

not stop growing. No longer have interest in learning. Challenging, yes, but without doubt it is important to grow in learning. Never let things inthe slow life, I turn off the light to shine so far been made. It seems that life is like a ladder, and each day we went up a step. If you ever get tired, take a breather. But do not turn back, do not stay long. For the most beautiful, most beautiful view of life is a bit further up. And as the years pass and see what they have gone through it, be proud of yourself and how much they have accomplished. And see how nice is that achievement. If any of us, teachers of today, we have the opportunity to see how a few years struggling to keep climbing, and reaching your goals no matter the difficulties, we will also feel proud and very happy to have met people that ultimately After all, we have been taughted to us. At least, me and the case.

Best wishes. And have a partner on this side, who greatly appreciated.

Galiarte La torta

Technorati : Galileo Galilei, teaching , galileo, Galileo Galilei , : Galileo Galilei, teaching , galileo, Galileo Galilei ,