Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Catskidney Infection More Condition_symptoms Educational site for further steps in Galileo Galilei

In yesterday took a step in the implementation of features and approaches to study the website of the Galileo Galilei Institute Piriápolis. This site is developed by Info-Bytes , which participated directly, and is focused not only as an institutional site for information for parents, but will develop a profile based on collaborative, and to encourage classroom activities from the computer field. This stage

developed involved the registration of all students, and conducting a brief and simple test between faculty publications and involvement of freshmen.

Under current conditions, teachers have differentresources available, as an activity book, a calendar of events and reminders (which notifies students), the ability to raise them material to students and more. In regard to teachers, also on the site are working to provide curricular information to such teachers.

Students, meanwhile, can access the student area, using access data provided by the project manager and management. In this case, students have a user name can not be modified, thereby establishing an optimal level of security to avoid abuse, intrusion and promote the relationship between them. Students can connect with other students (whichany group), and use messaging to share materials, study groups, or simply spend time with their peers. In this regard, we propose to make some other pilot tests to assess specific functions.

The site is supported Concrete5 platform, and integrates with other services that are embedded with the site, so that all activities planned in this project can be accessed from one place. It also has ongoing monitoring and ongoing optimization work as all sites that are developed under Info-Bytes.

Personally, I am satisfied with the internal progress of the site. The next steps will be complementarios the guideline presented from this year, and is also working on the renovation of the site visually.

galileo_oct2010 (Custom).jpg

Technorati: Galileo Galilei , Info-Bytes , internet deployment : Galileo Galilei , Info-Bytes ,


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