Saturday, December 12, 2009

Southpark Party Decorations The ladder of life - Farewell Galileo Galilei 2009

Yesterday, Friday, December 11, closure was performed basic cycle protocol, the Galileo Galilei Institute , where I work, and with it the last chance to meet students and parents of different colleges to which I concur.

ceremony was very simple and enjoyable. And the most successful was good participation of students, and the evocation of fond memories of the year by teachers and the principal, and again by some students. Presented the work done during the year (only some, of course) and became a student recognition.

I have to admit, I got home last night with confused emotions. I do not usually go to many farewells, but I decided to attend thisoccasion. See the boys and girls, many who passed through my classes, having made good friends with a few, are very special to assess. I'm not ashamed to say that my red eyes right now, because I was a participant in much of their lives, boys. See them learn, ask questions, get into a topic, ask for advice, to rebel, to question, trip, return to learn many things well, we did it together, and often saw them in the midst of these situations. I'm beginning to miss them!

Many have left us an example from a desire to learn and impressive. Others have shown us their noble qualities: friendship, loyalty, companionship, affection. Others have also taught us that no task s impossible, and if you like, you can. Each of you will know which of these descriptions come.

Now we see the same, but outside of classrooms. Just has a nice part, because as it happened in earlier times, see them in the streets, how to keep growing and making their lives better, I am very pleased. I greet with great joy when I see them there, because of it, because I felt proud to be a teacher to you, or you let me be with you every week.

not stop growing. No longer have interest in learning. Challenging, yes, but without doubt it is important to grow in learning. Never let things inthe slow life, I turn off the light to shine so far been made. It seems that life is like a ladder, and each day we went up a step. If you ever get tired, take a breather. But do not turn back, do not stay long. For the most beautiful, most beautiful view of life is a bit further up. And as the years pass and see what they have gone through it, be proud of yourself and how much they have accomplished. And see how nice is that achievement. If any of us, teachers of today, we have the opportunity to see how a few years struggling to keep climbing, and reaching your goals no matter the difficulties, we will also feel proud and very happy to have met people that ultimately After all, we have been taughted to us. At least, me and the case.

Best wishes. And have a partner on this side, who greatly appreciated.

Galiarte La torta

Technorati : Galileo Galilei, teaching , galileo, Galileo Galilei , : Galileo Galilei, teaching , galileo, Galileo Galilei ,


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